Portfolio Details - Integrated Design

Transportation of groceries and children by cycle

Transportation of groceries and children by cycle

The model is made from hard foam, a wood-like material which used for most prototypes made at the faculty. It has been assembled from several parts, and the surface was filled, and sanded thoroughly before the model was painted.


Transportation of groceries and children by cycle
Transportation of groceries and children by cycle
Transportation of groceries and children by cycle


Project Details

This was the first project I worked on during my training. The title was predefined by the faculty, and it was then up the students (divided into small teams) to figure out how to solve the task.

My team developed an entirely new bicycle/fitness concept: the rowing-cabin-bicycle. The bicycle would be a sort of Rolls Royce with comfort in focus and for it to be useful both to bring / pick up the kids in day care and to shop groceries with too.

This project was just as all the following semester projects only brought to the concept phase.

Important keywords for the project was:

  • Innovation
  • Industrial design
  • Alternative solutions

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