Industrial manufactured pruning tool
The prototype here has moveable parts - just like the final product should have - and many details such as buttons and a lcd display. The blade is from another hedge trimmer, which we bought for the purpose. As it is here demonstrated, the model has moveable parts so that it better can illustrate how it can be used.
The prototype here is like the bicycle primarily made of hard foam. The model is made in scale 1:1.
Project Details
Like the previous project, this was also a predefined project from the faculty. It was about developing an industrial manufactured pruning tool for a fictional company called Gardenlife.
After a brief market analysis, my team and I decided to look at comfort in doing garden work. We came up with some different methods to improve the work with powertools, and in the end decided that we wanted to develop a self-leveling hedge trimmer that by means of laser technique would help the user to cut straight - even on slopes!
Important keywords for the project was:
- Electronic aids
- Ergonomic design
- Industrial design
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